Environmental Degradation: Components of the Environment

Environmental degradation

  • Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air water soil the destruction of the ecosystem and the execution of wildlife.
  • Environmental degradation can occur naturally through the human process the largest area of concern at present is the laws of rain-forest air pollution and smoke ozone depletion and destruction of the marine environment.

environmental degradation

Concept of environment

  • The word environment is derived from the French word environment which means surrounded in a circle
  • The environment may define as the surrounding in which an organization operates including water land and natural resources Flora found women and their infractions.
  • Components of the environment there are two types of components:
  1. Natural environment
  2. Human environment

Explain the concept of environment and its components of the environment

  • The word environment is derived from the French word environment which means surrounded in a circle
  • The environment may define as the surrounding in which an organization operates including water land and natural resources Flora found women and their infractions.
  • Components of the environment there are two types of components:
  1. Natural environment
  2. Human environment
  1. Lithosphere: The lithosphere is the solid, rocky crust covering the entire planet. This crust is inorganic and is composed of minerals. It covers the entire surface of the earth from the top of Mount Everest to the bottom of the Marina Trench.
  2. Hydrosphere: The hydrosphere is composed of all the water on or near the earth. This includes the ocean, seas, rivers, lakes. Pound, streams, and even the Moisture in the air. 97% of the earth’s water is in the oceans. The remaining 3% is freshwater.
  3. Biosphere: The biosphere is composed of all living organisms. Plants, animals, and one-called organisms are all part of the biosphere. Most of the planet’s life is found from three matters below the ground to 30 meters above it, and in the top 200 meters of the ocean and seas. The biosphere is responsible for the ground scale recycling of energy and matter on the Earth.
  4. Atmosphere: The atmosphere of the Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by the earth’s gravity. The atmosphere protects the life on the earth by observing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention, and reducing temperature extreme between day and night.
  5. Anthrosphere: The human environment called an anthroposphere. It is that part of the environment made or modified by humans and used for their activities.

What is environmental degradation? Discuss its causes.

  • Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air water soil the destruction of the ecosystem and the execution of wildlife.
  • Environmental degradation can occur naturally through the human process the largest area of concern at present is the laws of rain-forest air pollution and smoke ozone depletion and destruction of the marine environment.
  1. Industrial activities: Industrial processes release chemicals, which rise into the stratosphere and degrade the ozone. Industrial activities have resulted in the depletion of natural resources.
  2. Population explosion: Due to the population explosion there is ever-increasing pressure on the land and the water resources. For example in India the per capita availability of land declining every year due to the growing population.
  3. Felling of trees: There has been illegal felling of trees in most parts of developing countries. Tree felling was done by the village for cooking and to earn a livelihood by selling logs. For example, places closer to Mumbai such as Lonavala and Mahabaleshwar showed the signs of massive deforestation.
  4. Automobiles: The excessive use of automobiles, especially, in cities like Mumbai and Delhi has resulted in air pollution. Air pollution causes certain diseases including respiratory problems.
  5. Pesticides and Insecticides: Excessive use of chemical fertilizers has reduced the fertility of the soil. Faulty use of fertilizers has caused the growth of microorganisms which interns cause various diseases.
  6. Change in lifestyle: Change in lifestyle of people especially, in urban and semi-urban areas has resulted in environmental degradation. The middle-upper and Rich class make excess use of air conditioners system which affect the environment.
  7. Natural cause: Many natural processes cause emissions. When a volcano erupts, it lets out acid and many toxic gases. When a fire breaks out in the forest the releases smoke soot, hydrocarbon, and carbon dioxide.
  8. Urbanisation: Urbanisation is responsible for environmental degradation, especially air and water pollution excess use of automobiles in cities, and resulted in air pollution and also the industries.

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References: Smart Notes, MSBC books, and Manan Prakashan

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