Foundation Course 1 Question Paper: IDOL Mumbai University 2022-23

Foundation Course 1 Question Paper

I have prepared three set of Foundation Course 1 Question Paper for FYBCOM foundation course and FYBA foundation course semester 1 of IDOL Mumbai University. Foundation Course 1 Question Paper are below:

Foundation Course 1 Question Paper – 1

Q.1 (A) Choose the correct alternative :                                                                              [8]

  1. Shwetambar and ……….. are the two sects of Jainism.

(Digambar , Pitambar , Mahayana)

  1. In India, the state of ………..has the lowest gender ratio.

(Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab)

  1. The major cause of the declining sex ratio is ………..

(Poverty, Pollution, Smoking)

  1. In …………there is farsightedness but not short-sightedness.

(Hypermetropia, Myopia, Onomatopoeia)

  1. Anti-Hindi agitations took place in ………..India.

(Northern, Southern, Western)

  1. The ………….border dispute is a dispute involving the Indian states of Karnataka and Maharashtra.

(Belgaum, Sangli, Pune)

  1. Prime Minister is the …………head in India.

(Executive, Judicial, Legislative)

  1. …………is the commander-in-chief of all forces in India.

(Prime Minister, Home Minister, President)

  1. …………implements the plans and ideas of an entrepreneur.

(Secularism, Casteism, Communication)

  1. …………is the head of the Gram Panchayat.

(President, Chairperson, Sarpanch)

(B) State whether the following statements are True or False.                             [7]

  1. Urban society has heterogeneous in nature.
  2. India has no official religion.
  3. Split personality is a type of psychosis mental disorder.
  4. Polio is caused by a virus called poliovirus.
  5. The caste system promotes social progress and modernization.
  6. Regionalism can cause inter-state tension and confrontation.
  7. Economics justice stands for the removal of poverty
  8. The constitution of India is rigid
  9. The municipal council is also known as Nagar Parishad
  10. The Mayor is elected for a term of five years

Q.2 (A) What steps should be taken to prevent violence against women in India     15


(B) Problems faced by disabled people in the country                                      15

Q.3 (A) Types of physically challenges                                                                      15


(B) Make a study of the form of violence against women                                      15

Q.4 (A) Features of Indian Constitution                                                                    15


(B) Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens                                                                15

Q.5. (A) Various Socio-economics and cultural problems in the effective participation of women

in Indian politics                                                                                          15


(B) Write short notes on any three of the following: 15

  1. Effort towards Achieving Communal Harmony
  2. Linguistic Diversity
  3. Characteristic of Rural India
  4. Representation of women in media
  5. Concept of local government

Foundation Course 1 Question Paper – 2

(A) Choose the correct alternative :                                                             [8]

  1. …………is the holy book of the Sikhs

(Guru Granath Sahib, Bible, Quran)

  1. In-state of …………in India has the highest gender ratio.

(Kerala, Karnataka, Goa)

  1. In …………there is short-sightedness but not farsightedness.

(Hypermetropia, Myopia, Onomatopoeia)

  1. ……… the main reason for female foeticide.

(Preference of male child, Unemployment, Globalisation)

  1. The demand of the sons of the soil is …………

(Communalism, Casteism, Regionalism)

  1. There is a water dispute over ………….river in the states in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

(Kaveri, Krishna, Konya)

  1. ………….is the chief architect of the Indian constitution.

(Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Acharya Kripalni)

  1. Indian constitution provides …………..citizenship to the citizens of India.

(Single, Dual, Triple)

  1. …………… a national party.

(Biju Janata Dal, Telugu Desam, Indian National Congress)

  1. 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution is related to …………

(Independent Judiciary, Panchayati Raj, Parliamentary System)

(B) State whether the following statements are True or False.                               7

  1. India has no official religion.
  2. Urban society is heterogeneous in nature.
  3. Kerala has the worst gender ratio among the states of India.
  4. Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C.
  5. Regionalism can cause inter-state tension.
  6. The caste system brings about unity in Indian society.
  7. All those who have attained 18 years of age have the right to vote in India.
  8. Indian constitution has 45 parts.
  9. Shivsena is an example of a regional party.
  10. Municipal corporations are formed as per the Act of the state government.

Q.2 (A) Causes of dealing gender ratio in India                                                       15


(B) What steps should be taken to prevent violence against women in India     15

Q.3 (A) Measures to resolve Linguistic conflict in Indian                                         15


(B) Explain the economic inequalities generated due to the caste system in India 15

Q.4 (A) Causes of regional conflicts in India                                                             15


(B)Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens                                                         15

Q.5 (A) Write a detailed note on the significance of Panchayati Raj.               15


(B) Write short notes on any three of the following:                                                  15

  1. Any two aspects of diversity in the Indian Culture
  2. Communal Harmony
  3. Role of women in Politics
  4. Major features of the 74th amendment
  5. Characteristic of Urban population

Foundation Course 1 Question Paper – 3

Q.1 (A) Choose the correct alternative:                                                                   7

  1. The Indian language belongs to …………. Language families.

(3, 2, 4)

  1. Scheduled castes are not found in ………….

(Punjab, Mizoram, Utter Pradesh)

  1. The Indian Constitution makes provision for positive discrimination via Art.

(15, 14 , 17)

  1. One of the characteristics of urban centers in all places with a population of at least………

(2000 , 5000 ,4000)

  1. Gender is a ……….. concept.

(Sociological, Economic, Biological)

  1. Mongoloids, Negritoes, and Austroloids are examples of Indian ………… groups.

(Rural, Tribal, Linguistic)

  1. There are ……….. schedules in the Indian Constitution.

(12, 13, 14)

  1. India is a …………. of states.

(Union, Federation, Confederation)

  1. India has a ………..Party System.

(Multi, Dual, Single)

  1. The 73rd amendment to the Indian Constitution regarding Panchayati Raj was passed in …………

(1990, 1991, 1992)

(B) State whether the following statements are True or False.                               8

  1. English is the secondary official languages of the Indian Union
  2. A secular state is that in which religious are treated unequally
  3. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion
  4. The sex ratio in India has always remained unfavorable to women.
  5. Each tribal group of India has a language of its own
  6. Children’s education is every parent’s Fundamental Duty according to the Indian Constitution.
  7. A caste is an endogamous group in the Indian Society
  8. The Indian Constitution is a completely original work of the Constituent Assembly
  9. There are 10 Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
  10. The Shiromani Akali Dal and the Asom Gan Paished are examples of regional parties in India

Q.2 (A) Reason for gender disparity and violence against women in India                          15


(B) What are the services provided to physically disabled persons?                                 15

Q.3 (A) Causes of intergroup conflicts and suggest measures to eradicates caste system in India 15


(B) Various issues regarding communalism in India                                                      15

Q.4 (A) Basic features of Indian Constitution                                                                       15


(B)Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens                                                                 15

Q.5 (A) Explain the concept of Panchayati Raj in India. 15


(B) Write short notes on any three of the following: 15

  1. Characteristic of tribal societies in India
  2. Women in Politics
  3. Way to achieve communal harmony
  4. Multi-cultural society
  5. India’s Literacy Rates

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