HSC English Question Bank 2021 with Solutions: Maharashtra Board
HSC English Question Bank 2021 with Solutions
Q.4 ) Drafting a virtual message
Imagine, you have to leave early from home for an interview. Draft a message in about 100/150 words, to convey the same to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.
22 March 2020, Time:6:00AM Ms. Shrishti Mr. Rakesh has called me for my job interview today, So I am leaving the home early at 6:30. Kindly handle all situation at home and take care of yourself and home.Ms.Neha Deshmukh |
Imagine, you are not well and will not be able to attend lectures at college. Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the same to your teacher. Give your own reasons to support your message.
22 March 2020,Time:8:00 AM Ms. Khan Shehrish I Am Khan Shehrish from XII B. I am not well Ma’am since last week suffering from Typhoid. And due to that, I will not be able to attend the lecture until I recover. I will cover all the syllabus that I have been missed.Ms. Sheetal Pandey |
Imagine, you have planned different methods to study for your board exam. Draft a message in about 100/150 words, to give these details to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.
23rd March ,Time:12:00 PM MS. Sakshi Tiwari As we both are appearing for the board exam this year. I have planned to study smartly to completing the syllabus within 2 to 3 months and the rest of the month will revise and solve sample papers. Studying smartly according to plan will boost our confidence to score good grades in the board exam. Ms. Sonam Singh |
Imagine that you have to leave your hostel room to attend to a relative coming to the city hospital from your native place. Draft a message in about 100/150 words giving the reason for your absence at the birthday party of your roommate at the hostel. Give your own reasons to support your message.
23rd march,time:9.00 AM Ms.seema Sorry I will be absent from your birthday celebration as I told you my relative is suffering from cancer so he is coming to the city hospital and I have to meet him.I hope you will understand my situation Ms.Shikha Singh |
Imagine that you have won two entry tickets to a popular drama at a theater near you this weekend. Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the incredible news to your best friend.
24th March, Time:9.00 AM Ms. Khan Liaba After purchasing Bajaj “LED ” T.V I have won tickets for “The Heirs” drama and it is for this weekend. I am joy out of bliss and I know you will be shocked after reading this. Ms .Khan shifa |
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Q.2 C Mind-Mapping
Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas/ thoughts/ concepts to illustrate/ develop on the topic, ‘Effects of Music’.
Q.2 C Mind-Mapping
2. Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the topic, ‘Benefits of English Language’.
Q.2 C Mind-Mapping
India is a vast country with different weather patterns. Prepare a mind map on ‘The Seasons’ we have in our region by giving examples of different activities that we do in different seasons.
Q.2 C Mind-Mapping
4. Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the topic, ‘Beauty of Colours’.
Q.2 C Mind-Mapping14
5. You live in an era where huge information is communicated to you in different forms continuously. Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the topic, ‘Forms of Communication’.
Q.3 (B) Appreciation:
Read the given extract and write the appreciation of the given poem based on the following aspects.
MoneyWhen I had money, money, O! I knew no joy till I went poor; For many a false man as a friend Came knocking all day at my door. They felt I like a child that holds A trumpet that he must not blow Because a man is dead; I dared Not to speak to let this false world know. Much have I thought of life, and seen How poor men’s hearts are ever light; And how their wives do hum like bees About their work from morn till night. So, when I hear these poor ones laugh, And see the rich ones coldly frown Poor men, think I, need not go up So much as rich men should come down. When I had money, money, O! My many friends proved all untrue; But now I have no money, O! My friends are real, though very few. -William H. Davies |
- About The poem, the significance of the title
- Form of the poem, theme, and its significance
- Poetic style, language features, poetic devices
- Inspirational messages, value, morals reflected
- Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem
About The poem, and poet: This poem is written by the poet William H Davies, who was born a rich man who wants to become poor to find real happiness in the world. We all know the real value of money when we don’t have money or have lost all our money. At the end of the poem, the poet tells that now he has no money with him but he has true few friends with him. The title of the poem is appropriate.
Form of the poem, theme, and its significant message: This poem is written in five stanzas. We can call it a philosophical poem. The poem has a moral lesson to us that when we are rich and have money all are our friends who are false and they will come to you because you have money. According to the poet poor man’s heart is light and their family happy and so now I have no money in my poverty but I have few real friends. So message or theme of this poem is that money is not important to be happy in life. It is a significant poem with a moral message for us. Poetic style, language features, and poetic devices: The poem is very simple, clear, and easy to understand with a good message. Poet has used very simple words and style to express himself. The poem has no rhyme scheme. It has used closed rhyme. Poet devices like repetition, inversion, simile, antithesis, examples of repetition can be seen in the first-line where the word ‘money is repeated. My opinion about the poem: I think it is one of the interesting poem teaching me a moral lesson that money is not important to live a happy life. I liked the last two lines of this poem, they are. “But now I have no money, O! My friends are real, though very few. |
Q.3 (B) Appreciation:
Read the given extract and write the appreciation of the given poem based on the following aspects.
Weavers, weaving at break of day,
why do you weave a garment so gay? Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild, We weave the robes of a new-born child. Weavers, weaving at fall of night, Why do you weave a garment so bright?…… Like the Plumes of a peacock, purple and green, We weave the marriage-veils of a queen. Weavers, weaving solemn and still, What do you weave in the moonlight chill……. White as a feather and white as a cloud, We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud. -Sarojini Naidu |
- About The poem, significance of the title
- Form of the poem, theme and its significance
- Poetic style, language features, poetic devices
- Inspirational messages, value, morals reflected
- Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem
About The poem, significance of the title: “Indian Weavers” is a short poem written by a very famous Indian Poetess named Sarojini Naidu. She was the first Indian woman who became president of the Indian National Congress. In this poem poetess talks about three types of garment that the weaver weave at three particulars time of a day. The title of the poem is very symbolic and the colours of the cloth used in the poem are very significant as they indicate the mood-related to the events.
Poetic style, language features, poetic devices: In the poem poetess portrays a different genre too close to life and death, and all that lies in between the only truths that govern the existence of each being, that is, life and death. The language used in the poem is very simple, clear, and easy to understand. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘AABB. The fact that weavers weave ‘a the break of the day is very important. The start of new days has been used as a smile to give us a hint about the majestic royalty that is symbolic of the color blue. Through the poem, we find metaphors and simile figures of speech. Inspirational messages, values, morals reflected: The poem praises the weavers of India while representing the three-stage of life. The birth stage, adulthood that is life, and the third is death. In the final stanza death has been portrayed “White as a feather, white as a cloud”. The message of the poem is that we all have to pass through these three stages of life and nobody is an exception to the rule. Everybody who has taken both is going to die. Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem: For me, this poem teaches a lesson that life and death are two sides of the same coin. We should enjoy both and should not get bothered about death. |
Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points.
About the poet and the title
The theme
Poetic style, Language, poetic devices.
Special feature
Your opinion about the poem
My father travels on the late evening train Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books Is falling apart. His eyes dimmed by age fade homeward through the humid monsoon night. Now I can see him getting off the train Like a word dropped from a long sentence. He hurries across the length of the grey platform, Crosses the railway line, enters the lane, His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward. Home again, I see him drinking weak tea, Eating a stale chapati, reading a book. He goes into the toilet to contemplate Man’s estrangement from a man-made world. Coming out he trembles at the sink, The cold water running over his brown hands, A few droplets cling to the greying hairs on his wrists. His sullen children have often refused to share Jokes and secrets with him. He will now go to sleep Listening to the static on the radio, dreaming Of his ancestors and grandchildren, thinking Of nomads entering a subcontinent through a narrow pass |
About Poem|Poet|Tittle: The poem father returning Home by Dilip chitre is probably the most famous poem by this Indian poet. It is an autobiographical poem where the poet shows the loneliness and World’s Worriness of an old man in modern society by depicting a picture of his own father returning home from work. The Theme: The poem, Father returning home focuses on the theme of Alienation or estrangement experienced by the aged in the twilight years. We get to know about Alienation, Isolation, and Misery Experienced by Elderly people especially in cities Poetic Style/Language /Poetic devices: Dilip Chitre poetry follows the tradition of dramatic monologue. The poet uses some fine imagery to describe the lurking loneliness of Commuters. He has made usage of Alliteration, Repetition, Inversion, Transferred Epithet, Synecdoche, etc figures of speech in the poem. Message: The poem gives us a moral lesson. The message of the poem is in the Materialistic Man-Made world the behavior of people changes. Man has forgotten the value of true love, respect towards elders. But one should not ignore his/her family members. The poem gives us a valuable message of love reality and the truth of the modern materialistic world. Special Feature: It is a free verse type poem. It is a dramatic monologue. The tone of the poem is in a little depression. The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines each No rhyme scheme is Used. Your opinion about the poem: I like this poem for its real and brutally honest depiction of modern life. The poem speaks of a classic disconnection between generations I Understood that in this Materialistic world nobody is Caring for anyone. It gives a principle of life: Give Respect and Take Respect |
On the deck the Rover takes his stand, So dark it is they see no land. Quoth Sir Ralph, “It will be lighter soon, For there is the dawn of the rising Moon.” “Canst hear,” said one, “the breakers roar? For methinks we should be near the shore.” “Now, where we are I cannot tell, But I wish we could hear the Inchcape Bell.” They hear no sound, the swell is strong, Though the wind hath fallen they drift along; Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock, “Oh Christ! It is the Inchcape Rock!” Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair, He curst himself in his despair; The waves rush in on every side, The ship is sinking beneath the tide |
The Inchcape RockAbout Poem/Poet/Title: The poem “The Inchcape Rock” is written by a British Poet Robert Southey. It is the story of the Abbot of Aberbrothok who had Installed a Warning Bell on the Inchcape Rock. Robert Southey is an English poet. He was a famous historian, Biographer, Essayist, and poet. The title is Apt. Poetic style/ language/ poetic devices: The poem is a ballad type. The story of Good and Evil is told in the Poetic style. There are four lines in each stanza. It has an “AABB” rhyme scheme. There is a total of Sixteen stanzas, There are some Archaic words used in the poem such as”quoth, canst, Blest”. Language/Poetic devices: The language of the poem is easy to understand for the readers. The poem begins with the metaphor of a pleasant mood with a Calm sea. The poem consists of different figures of speech such as repetition alliteration, onomatopoeia, Apostrophe, Inversion, etc. Special feature: The Poet has used descriptive and narrative techniques to enhance the effect of the poem. It is a didactic one. It teaches the moral of being Human and kind for all human beings. Message:” As you sow so, shall you reap”. When we try to trouble others trouble first comes to the doer. The poem proves that crime gets its own punishment it gives us a valuable message of wisdom and reality Your opinion about the poem: This poem gives important morals to all human beings. It is Applicable for the current society to stop crimes and evil deeds. Lastly, I understood the principle of life” live and let live” |
(B) Appreciation: (4)
Read the given extract and write the appreciation of the given poem based on the following aspects.
- Form of the poem, theme and its significance
- Poetic style, language features, poetic devices
- Inspirational message, values, morals reflected
- Your opinion and critical evaluation of the poem.
Is anybody happier because you passed his way? Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today? This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through; Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you? Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along? Or a churlish sort of “Howdy” and then vanish in the throng? Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way, Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today? Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that’s slipping fast, That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed? Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said; Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?25 Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent? Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent? As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say, You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today? |
About the poem/Tittle/Poet: The title of the poem is Have you Earned Your Tomorrow. It is an Optimistic and Inspirational Poem. The Poet has to Inspire the readers and convey his ideas. The poem is written by Edgar guest an American writer of British origin.
The Theme: One should Consider One’s Actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future in short we have to do something for the betterment of others.
Poetic device/Poetic Style/Language: It is an inspirational poem the poet has used a simple style and optimistic tone of writing. The poem has four stanzas. Each stanza contains at least two or three questions. Alliteration and interrogation synecdoche/interrogation are used The Rhyme scheme of the poem is “AABB”.
Message: The message of the poem is “One should Consider One’s Actions and deeds Carefully and Plan Accordingly for a better future. It gives a Valuable Message of hope, Optimism, Positivity, good work, honestly.
Special feature: The poet has made use of Rhetorical Questions.
Your Opinion about the poem: I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood that if you work hard today for others definitely god will give you a better tomorrow. I personally learned that I have to work hard today for my better tomorrow. Lastly, I understood that the Principle of life: Service to Man is service to God.
Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions) – refer question bank PDF for questions
Name of the interview: Anurag Arya
Area of success: Mr. Anurag Arya IPS officer SP post in UP Mau Village he is known for his work and wherever he goes he becomes the headline the most renowned work of Arya has suspended the 4 police workers due to unattentive work at his first day of Duty.
Date, Venue, Time: 23 March, Time:8.00pm, venue: Chattisgarh Bengal hall near Punjab national bank.
- How was your early childhood life and about your struggles?
- What about your education? do you face any hurdles in your education?
- Who is your role model or inspiration?
- Who Supported you most in your family?
- What was your first achievement or success?
- What is your further success plan?
- Is there anything that you want to achieve in the future? or any dream which is unfulfilled?
- What message would you like to give to the citizens of our country?
Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of sports. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions) refer question bank PDF for questions
Name of the interview: Mohammad Azharuddin
Area of success: Azhar is an Indian politician also he was a former cricketer of the Indian team he was a member of parliament in the Lok Sabha from Moradabad.
Date, Venue, Time: 23rd March: Time:8.00 pm, Venue: Ram Niwa’s hall near zing sang cinema.
Duration of interview:10 minutes
- How was your student life? were you a good student?
- What was your early interest?
- Who is your present idol? and who was your past idol?
- How was your primary training? did you join any Cricket Academy during your initial days?
- Did you get an opportunity for playing cricket with your favorite players?
- What is your greatest accomplishment?
- What are your future goals and targets?
- What suggestion would you like to give to the upcoming cricketers?
Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)
Name of the interview: Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Area of success: National Film Award for Talaash movie, Zee cinema award for Talash movie, Asian film award for Talaash movie, and many more.
Duration of interview:15 minutes
- Who is your inspiration?
- How do you prepare yourself for different shots/roles?
- What improvements have you made so far?
- Who was your best teacher? who guided you best?
- What were the most memorable moments that happened in your life?
- What skills are required to become a good actor?
- Which is your best performance role so far?
- What are the Do’s and Don’ts to become a good actor?
Assessment Criteria
Expansion of the idea – 02
Proper Introduction – 01
Conclusion – 01 Total – 04 Marks
Honesty is the best policy
The Quote “Honesty is the best policy” has been quoted by Benjamin franklin which means that you should always be truthful, honest, loyal, irrespective of any situation. Because honesty beautifies the
the personality of the person to define the character of the person and also A honest person makes a place in heart of everyone so honesty is important in every aspect and field of life.
Let us understand the quote with example if your friend is doing something illegal like consuming drugs or he /she is cheating in the exam So don’t support them. Instead of that be honest and truthful and try to help them by fixing their problem. Discuss it with your teacher’s parents and meet your friend understand about it by doing this your friend will improve and also he will understand that you always need to be honest and truthful in any situation no matter anyone is your best friend, policeman, parents or anyone. Always stand with Truth no matter the row of an honest person and truthful person is less hence “Honesty is referred as the best policy.”
However the quality of Honesty is seen in very few people whenever they find themselves in a vulnerable position, they say lie to be on a safer side. Honesty is a rare quality. It is the light of an ultimate solution for different problems. Advising others, to be honest, is very easy but it is difficult to follow for ourselves but let us all try to be honest irrespective of any situation.
Nature is the best teacher
The real lessons that will learn and it help to live life in a better way are the teachings of nature. There are many hidden treasures of nature which we can see from our naked eyes and also some cannot be seen. It includes fossils micro_organisms, gold, pearl inside the seashell, etc. After surviving in this chaotic world we need peace and relaxation and thus we need to get close to nature. Because it strengthens our social Bond, it makes us less irritable, it imbibes positivity in the negative person, and also it teaches us the valuable lessons of life
All the nature elements are superior like Sun is the best example of selflessness, it burns itself to light up others, the moon teaches us to keep calm no matter what life throws back to us. Trees teach us that give fruits to the person who throws a stone on us and thus in this universe nature is the best teacher. It also benefits all the living things on this earth. Nature heals you, Nature soothes you, Nature connects us, it reduces stress, reduces inflammation, releases depression and anxiety, Hence nature is regarded as the best teacher.
Friends a real treasure
Friends are better known as companions we all need friends in our life they are the spice of our life as food without salt has no taste similarly without friends life has no taste. We all need friends to share our happiness, sadness, to help each other, and also to learn new things from each other, to always stand with them in the good and bad situations as their support system. And the real care of good friends is when they help you without being selfish, share every little joy and sadness of their life, even when you do acting of not being well.
Real friends are inspiration and motivation. They always make you happy when you are sad, they uplift you when you fall, they always push you to do good things, they guide you when you are on the wrong path and also they make a sweet commitment which makes the friendship bond more strong
We need friends in every moment of our life to have fun with them, to chill with them, to share our problems, and worries and at last friends are the best therapist of our life and. Hence friends are the real treasure of our life
Humour is the Spice of life
Human is the defining characteristic between a positive and negative person. Humour is an essential skill needed to communicate well with others. Develop self-deprecating humor in yourself in order to fight the hurdles that arise in your way and also to Bury the negativity. When you have a sense of humor, you tackle every bad and good situation in your life.
Humor helps us to be relaxed when we are fully happy and light-hearted. We play and talk to everyone and when you feel good life seems good. You enjoy every moment of your life to the fullest love. laughing and humor relax our whole body. It boosts our immune system, controls our anger and protects the hearts, and also burns calories. Also, our approach and attitude towards negative things also become positive We find positivity and goodness in everything. Hence, humor is the Spice of life.
_Khan Madiha Almas
Email Writing Skills
As a group leader, write an email to the superintendent of Holidays Home at Mahabaleshwar for making a reservation for the stay of a group of 45 students of your college. make use of the following point.
- Your proposed date of visit
- Number of days and nights stay
- Breakfast, food arrangement
- Reservation charges per day
From: Sendersemail@gamil.com
To: holidayhome@gmail.com
Subject: Reservation of accommodation.
Respected Sir,
A group of 45 students from A.B. College, Mumbai intend to visit Mahabaleshwar in the pleasant month of November, this year. we will be much obliged if you will kindly make suitable arrangements for our stay at the Government Holiday Home for three days from 3rd October to 5th October. We are all vegetarian. we are ready to pay all the charges of reservation, stay, meals and breakfast, etc. it would also be kind of you if some reasonable tourist company is contacted for hiring a tourist bus on the above days for sight-seeing in and around Mahabaleshwar. we are ready to send advance payment if required.
Kindly inform us immediately to take the necessary steps to collect money from the participants for sending it to you as per requirement.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
Imaduddin Educare
Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to a famous and distinguished personality to invite him/her for the “Prize Distribution” programme organized by the college authorities and to be held at your junior college campus. Give complete programme schedule and details about the event.
From: Sendersemail@gamil.com
To: imaduddineducare@gmail.com
Subject: Prize Distribution programme
Respected Sir,
Our College is organizing its Prize Distribution programme on 30th November 2021. On behalf of the Principal and the management, I am writing this letter to request you as the Chief Guest. Your courteous presence will act as a motivate and inspire us all.
You are requested to hand over the prizes to the youngster who topped in board exams in our college o be held at your junior college campus at 2 pm.
Kindly confirm your availability by 20, November at the earliest. The college will make arrangements for your pickup and drop.
Thanking You,
Your faithfullly,
Ram Gupta.
Imagine you are in charge of a social organization and you want to organize a “Cleanliness Campaign” at a rural place. Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to concerned authorities asking for the necessary permission. Give all details specifying the scope and importance of this event.
From: Sendersemail@gamil.com
To: Recipient@gmail.com
Subject: Permission for Organizing Cleanness campaign in Badlapur
Respect Sir/Mam,
I, Mr. Imaduddin Khan designation President of the Imaduddin Educare Club of Badlapur Mumbai. I and My club member would like to organize cleanness campaigns in different rural areas of the city. As we know that cleanliness should be a must in our environment to prevent problems like diseases and pollution. So we wish to conduct a campaign in your area that is Badlapur as well for that we would want your permission.
we have decided to take this initiative and want to be part of “Swach Bharath Abhiyan”. It is a wonderful opportunity for people can participate in the campaign and make awareness about cleanness.
I would be glad if you agree to this small effort of ours towards cleanness. We are awaiting a positive reply so that we can take up the cleanness campaign in your area and help people as we have been doing so far.
Thanking You,
Your faithfullly,
Imaduddin Khan.
Frequent cases of thefts have caused fright in the minds of the people in your locality. Draft an E-mail in a proper format to the police department giving all details and happenings to expect immediate action and permanent solution on this issue
From: ramgupta2005@gmail.com
To: mumbaipolice@gmail.com
Subject: Immediate action required for growing theft cases in the Govandi area.
Respect Sir,
This is for your kind information that cases of theft are increasing day by day in the Govandi area. Earlier such cases were reported only after sundown or in the night. the residents are in a state of shock and concerned about the security. Fifteen houses have been robbed in the past three months and five vehicles have been stolen. We have filed complaints regarding the robbery. but, there has been no progress in the investigation so far. This boosts the morals of the criminals and leads to an unsafe environment.
Under the circumstances, I, on behalf of the residents of the area request you to take immediate action for the same. We also request you a permanent solution for these theft case so we can go back to normal living. hoping to hear back from you soon.
Thanking You,
Your faithfullly,
Ram Gupta.
Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper, making the public aware of rising air and noise pollution in your area. Mention the bad air quality index that appears in the newspaper daily and write about the bad effects of air and noise pollution and suggests some measures to curb it.
From: ramgupta2005@gmail.com
To: mumbaipolice@gmail.com
Subject: Create awareness for increasing air and noise pollution
Respect Sir,
I would like to bring kind attention of increasing air and noise pollution in our area Katrap Naka Badlapur by your reputed newspaper. you have recently started publishing the Air Quality Index of the city daily. if we observe the index, air and noise pollution are at a top in our area. The air quality index is at an alarming stage and to add to it sound pollution is also rising day by day. It is causing great damage to the health problem of the city. It leads to irritation, loss of sleep, rest, and peace.
It is harmful to the physical and mental health of people. Frequent loud noise affects the working efficiency of the people. Persistent noise pollution causes a loss of sense of hearing.
The solution to the problem is easy simple we require a few changes in our personal and business activities. By reducing waste burning and use of firecrackers, by ensuring that our vehicles have a PUC certificate, by installing purifiers in factories, recycling, and reusing, we can control the rise in air pollution. Noise pollution can be decreased by keeping the volume of loudspeakers low and reducing horn/beep. If we all come together, we can surely make a difference. I request you to initiate a campaign for this cause.
Thanking You,
Your faithfullly,
Ram Gupta
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HSC English Writing Skills: Literary Genre – Novel 2021 For sample paper Click Here
Reference: Uttam’s Noble Publication House
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