SYBCOM Business Economics semester 4 important Questions Mumbai University

SYBCOM Business Economics semester 4 important Questions

  1. Explain the meaning and function of public finance
  2. Discuss the scope of public finance
  3. Principles of maximum social advantage
  4. Role of Government in correcting market failure
  5. Explain the sources of Public Revenue
  6. Difference between public goods and private goods
  7. Effects of public expenditure
  8. Discuss the causes of increasing public expenditure
  9. Classification of public expenditure
  10. Discuss the burden of public debts
  11. Features of functional finance / Sound Finance
  12. Explain different types of budget
  13. Explain features of the FRBM Act 2003.
  14. What are the economic effects of taxation?
  15. Examine the process of shifting and incidence of tax with respect to elasticities of demand and supply.

Unit/ Module-1

  1. Explain the meaning and functions of Public Finance
  2. Discuss the meaning and scope of public finance
  3. Explain Dalton’s Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.
  4. Explain the limitation of the principle of Maximum Social Advantages
  5. Examine the Role of government in correcting market failure
  6. Examine the features of public goods and state the role of the government in providing them.

Unit/ Module-2

  1. Explain the objectives of taxation
  2. Explain the various canons of taxation
  3. Explain the sources of Public Revenue.
  4. Examine the process of shifting and incidence of tax with respect to elasticities of demand and supply
  5. How do elasticities of demand and supply affect the incidence of taxation?
  6. Analyse the economics effect of taxation.
  7. Write a note on Taxation as Anti-inflationary measures


  1. Explain the classification of public expenditure
  2. Explain the effects of public expenditure
  3. Trace the causes of growth in public expenditure
  4. Examine the causes for increasing public expenditure.
  5. Write a note on public debt management
  6. Examine the burden of public debt.
  7. Explain the social security programmes


  1. What are the objectives of Fiscal policy?
  2. State the features of Functional Finance
  3. Explain the different types of budget.
  4. Explain features of FRBM Act 2003.
  5. Outline the key issue in fiscal federalism and decentralization

SYBCOM Business Economics Sem 4

Business Economics SEM IV

SYBCOM Business Economics Semester 4




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