English Tenses: Online English Speaking Course Level-3
English Tense
Present Simple tense:
Formula: – Subject + Verb 1st / verb (s, es) + Object
She It |
Verb (s , es ) form e.g. Goes |
You They We |
Verb 1st form e.g. Go |
I go to School.
मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ
She goes to School.
वह स्कूल जाती है
Present Continuous Tense:–
Formula: – Subject + is/am/are+ (Verb ing) +Object.
I | Am |
She It |
Is |
We They |
Are |
I am going to School.
मैं स्कूल जा रहा हूँ
He is going to School.
वह स्कूल जा रहा है
Present Perfect Tense:-
Formula: – Subject + have / has + Verb III + Object
She It |
has |
We You They |
have |
I have eaten food
मैं खाना खा चूका हूँ
She has gone to school.
वह स्कूल जा चुकी है
Present Perfect Continuous Tense:-
Formula:- Sub+ have been / has been + verb ing + Obj
She It |
has been |
We You They |
have been |
I have been singing since two years
मैं गाना गा रहा हूँ दो साल से
He has been working from two hours.
वह काम कर रहा है पिछले दो घंटों से
Note :
Since | Day, month, year. |
From | Minute, second, hour. |
Past Simple Tense:-
Formula:- Subject + VII + Obj
He went to market
वह बाजार गया
I drank the water.
मैंने पानी पिया
Past Continuous Tense:-
Formula:- Subject + Was / Were + Verb Ing + Object .
She It I |
was |
You They |
were |
We were waiting for you
हम लोग आप का इंतेजार कर रहे थे .
She was playing.
वह खेल रही थी
Past Perfect Tense:-
Formula:- Subject + had + V3rd form + Object .
Geeta had brought flowers for Pooja.
गीता पूजा के लिए फूल लाई थी
You had eaten food
तुमने खाना खा लिया था / तुम खाना खा चुके थे
Past Perfect Continuous Tense:-
Since: day, week, month, years
From: second, minute, hour |
Subject + had been + Verb ing + Object .
Raj had been teaching since five years.
राज पढ़ा रहा था पिछले पांच सालों से
We had been playing from 2 hours.
हम खेल रहे थे २ घंटे से
Future Simple Tense:-
Formula:- Subject + will /shall + verb 1st form + Object.
She will teach students.
वह विद्यार्थियों को पढ़ायेगी
We shall overcome
हम कामयाब होंगे
Future Continuous Tense:-
Formula: – Subject + will be /shall be + verb ing + Object .
He will be going to school.
वह स्कूल जा रहा होगा
She will be cooking food.
वह खाना बना रही होगी
Future Perfect Tense:-
Formula: – Subject + will/shall + have + Verb3rd form + Object .
He will have sold the shop.
वह दुकान को बेच चूका होगा
They shall have slept.
वे लोग सो चुके होंगे
Future Perfect continuous
Formula: – Subject + will have /shall have + Verb ing + Object .
Ramesh will have been doing this work for the next 2 days.
रमेश यह काम अगले दो दिनों से कर रहा होगा
We shall have been traveling since 2 months.
हम दो महीनो से सफर कर रहे होंगे
Types of tenses Click Here
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