Environmental Studies FYBCOM Sem 1 | FYBCOM EVS Sem 1 Important Questions Mumbai University

Environmental Studies FYBCOM Sem 1 | Important Questions of FYBCOM EVS Sem 1

If you are searching for an Important question of Environmental Studies semester-1 and FYBCOM Environmental Studies Sem 1, I must say you are right place. I have added an important question module wise/ Unit wise, fybcom environmental studies notes pdf and three Sample question paper of FYBCOM EVS sem1 check below with notes.

Environmental Studies FYBCOM Sem 1 Important Questions

Unit 1

  • Define Environment, and explains the Scope and components of the environment
  • What is an Ecosystem? Explain the Components of the Ecosystem
  • Functions and structure of the ecosystem
  • Importance and Scope of environmental studies

Unit 2

  • Explain the different methods of Natural Resource Conservation.
  • methods of conventional resources
  • Resources utilization and sustainable development
  • Factors affecting resource utilization
  • Problems associated with the management of forest resources
  • Discuss the Non-conventional resources


  • Human Development Index
  • Measures are taken to control Population growth in India
  • Pattern of population growth in the world
  • What are the causes and effects of Population Growth in India
  • Problems of population growth in India


  • What is Migration? Explain different types of migration and Problems of migration
  • What is a Smart City? Explain emerging smart cities
  • Degradation of Air and water
  • Positive and negative effects of Urbanization on land uses

Sample Question Paper of Environmental Studies FYBCOM Sem 1 

Environmental Studies FYBCOM Sem 1

Q2. Attempt any two questions from the following:

  1. Define Environment and describe the different components of an Environment.
  2. What is an Ecosystem? Explain different types of Ecosystems with suitable examples.
  3. Describe Food Chain, Food Web and Ecological Pyramid with examples

Q3. Attempt any two questions from the following:

  1. What do you mean by Renewable Energy Sources? Explain types of Renewable Energy Sources.
  2. Explain the different methods of Natural Resource Conservation.
  3. What is water pollution? Explain its causes and effects.

Q4. Attempt any two questions from the following:

  1. What are the causes and effects of Population Growth in India.
  2. Divide the world into major population density zones.
  3. What is Demographic Transition Theory and Explain its stages.

Q5. Attempt any two questions from the following:

  1. What is Migration? Explain different types of migration.
  2. What is a Smart City? Explain in detail.
  3. What are the causes of Urbanization? Mention the positive and negative effects of Urbanization.
FYBCOM Environmental Studies Questions Paper  Download
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FYBCOM EVS Map PDF EVS map semester 1



Unit 1 Environment and Ecosystem :
Environment: Meaning, definition, scope and its components; concept of an ecosystem: definition, Characteristics, components and types, functioning and structure; Food Chain and Food Web Ecological Pyramids – Man and environment relationship; Importance and scope of Environmental Studies.

Unit -2 Natural Resources and Sustainable Development :

Meaning and definitions ; Classification and types of resources,
factors influencing resource utilization; Resource conservation meaning and methods – conventional and non-conventional
resources, problems associated with and management of water, forest and energy resources – resource utilization and sustainable

3) Populations and Emerging Issues of Development :
Population explosion in the world and in India and arising concerns Demographic Transition Theory – pattern of population growth in the world and in India and associated problems – Measures taken to control population growth in India; Human population and
environment – Environment and Human Health – Human Development Index – The World Happiness Index.

4) Urbanisation and Environment :
Concept of Urbanization – Problems of migration and urban environment- changing land use, crowding and stress on urban
resources, degradation of air and water, loss of soil cover impact on biodiversity, Urban heat islands – Emerging Smart Cities and safe
cities in India – Sustainable Cities.

5) Reading of Thematic Maps
Located bars, Circles, Pie charts, Isopleths, Choropleth, and Flow map, Pictograms – Only reading and interpretation.


Reference: University of Mumbai


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