Foundation Course 1 MCQ Questions and Answers: Mumbai University

Foundation Course 1 MCQ Questions and Answers

  1. From the times of…………to two the period of British Empire, India has always been famous for its traditions and Hospitality.   (Mauryas, Cholas, Mughals, All of these)
  2. As per the Linguistic Survey of India, India has………..language and………dialects.  (179, 554 / 189, 435 /534,  179/ 195, 524 )
  3. About…………..of Indian population speaks English. (30%, 13%,  3%,  50%)
  4. The difference in physical features, racial structure, and language have led to significant differences in…………….(Costumes, belief, Social customs, All of these)
  5. The Hindu society as such is divided into a…………..caste system.  (Three-fold, Four-fold, Five-fold, Six-fold)
  6. Demographic is the general science of studying human……………..    (Population, Cultures, Habits, Lifestyle)
  7. Islam is the………..most dominant religion in India with 13 % Muslim population.   (Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth)
  8. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and it is………..largest religion in the world.  (First, Second, Third, Fourth)
  9. ………….form less than one percent of the Indian population.  (Sikhs,  Jains, Muslim, Christian)
  10. The social stratification seen in India includes:    (Caste system, Class system, State system, All of the these)
  11. Endogamy refers to marriage…………    (Within the caste,  outside the caste, outside the religion, none of the these)
  12. ………………refers to the beliefs, practices, rules, and regulation that determine inter-caste relationships and are observed regarding the type of food and water taken.    (Hierarchy, Endogamy, Commensuality, Purity)
  13. There are……………varnas in varna system.  ( Two, Four, Seven, Several)
  14. Status refers to a person’s……………….in a society.    (Prestige, Social honor, Popularity, All of these)
  15. The Begum of…………..discarded the ‘purdah’ and fought in the revolt of 1857.   (Bhopal, Rajasthan, Lahore, Haryana)
  16. Gender ratio reflects……………..character of a given population.  (natality, mortality, migration, all of these)
  17. In India, a male child is considered as……………and a female child as………….    (Asset, Liability/ Liability, Asset/ Both A and B,  None of these)
  18. Sexual abuse in public transport and other public places comes under:   (Domestic violence, Social violence, Criminal violence, All of these)
  19. In the past, the caste system in India consisted of……………….. well-known categories.  (four, five, six, seven)
  20. In North India, Brahmin would accept……………food only from some castes lower than his own.  (kaccha, pakka, both, none)
  21. Following is the inequality generated by the caste system: (social exclusion, economic inequalities, lower status of women, unjust treatment, all of these)
  22. Following is NOT the cause of communalism:  (development of the communal organization, absence of uniform civil code, setting peace committees, law, and order)
  23. …………………is one of the social problems, which is very peculiar to Indian society.  (castism, communalism, regionalism, all of these)
  24. Casteism proves to be a threat to……………in the society.    (social order, stability, peace, harmony, all of these)
  25. India has become a land of several tongues and has been called…………….. (Tower of veritable languages, Museums of languages, Tower of Babel, All of these)
  26. Although Hindi has been identified as the national language, this has promoted bitter has hostilities, specifically in the…………..   (north, south, east, west)
  27. Following is the measure to resolve regional conflicts:  (development of transport and communication,  removal of regional imbalance, economic development of deprived religions, abolish of religious parties, all of these) 
  28. According to the caste system in India, the Kshatriyas are:   (priests, warriors, businessmen, workman)
  29. The Preamble declares India to be a:  (sovereign, socialist, Democratic, Republic, All )
  30. By the 42nd amendment, the term……………….was integrated in the Preamble. (secular, democratic, socialistic, Republic)
  31. Equality means:    (equality of status, equality opportunity, both A and B, none of the these)
  32. …………………means the inculcation of a strong feeling of spiritual and psychological unity among the people. (equality, fraternity, liberty, tolerance)
  33. ………………………is the nature to accept or allow the existence of beliefs, practices, or habits differing from one own’s. (equality, fraternity, liberty, tolerance)
  34. A political party is a group of individuals who are united in a particular political cause or opinion, particularly on a…………basis. (a)National, b) regional, both A and B, none)
  35. The office-bearers of the political party include………………. (president, executive committee, election committee, all )
  36. National Political Parties participate in various elections all over the………… (city, district, state, country)
  37. Political party in India undergo…………………..because they are largely influenced by the cultural diversity, social, ethnic, caste, community, and religious diversity.  (fragmentation, split and Mergers, polarizations, defections, all of these )
  38. Nagar Panchayat is a type of……………………(rural local self-government, urban local self-government, both, none of these)
  39. ……………… established for an urban area /Centre with a population above three Lakhs.  (Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council, Nagar Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Zilla Parishad)
  40. …………… established for an urban area/center with a population of 100000 or more. (Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council, Nagar Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Zilla Parishad)
  41. …………….is for an urban area/center having a population of more than 30,000 and less than 1 lakh inhabitant. (Municipal Corporation, Panchayat Samiti, Nagar Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Zilla Parishad)
  42. ………………..provides a link between Gram Panchayat and Zilla Parishad. (Municipal Corporation, Panchayat Samiti, Nagar Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Zilla Parishad)
  43. Zilla Parishad at the……………………level is the uppermost tier of the Panchayati Raj system.   (village, city, district, state)


Chapter- 1 Overview of Indian Society

  1. The term _____ refers to a state of intellectual development or manners. (Language, Religion, culture, Science )
  2. _____ is defined as the study of the size, growth, age, and geographical distribution of the human population. (public policy, culture religion, None of the above)
  3. Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayam are _____ languages. (Dravidian, Aryan Indo – Aryan None of the above)
  4. Ethnic groups in Assam and other parts of eastern India speak _____ languages. (Sanskrit, Austro-Asiatic, Sino – Tibetan, Hindi)
    People in Northern Himalayas and near the Burmese border speak _____ languages. (Austroasiatic, Mizo, Sino-Tibetan, Brahmi)
    The written forms of language and script come from an ancient Indian script called _____. (Brahmi, Khasi, Mizo, Kokborok)
  5. _____ has the federal status of associate/subsidiary official language. (English, Hindi, Marathi, None of these)
  6. The Indian constitution uses the term _____ instead of language or dialect. (culture, religion, mother tongue, None of these)
    _____ means all religions and citizens irrespective of their faith would be treated impartially. (Religion, secular state, culture, None of the above)
    _____ and _____ are two important words that should be borne in mind in a multi-religious society. (tolerance and respect, fraternity, harmony, liberty)
    The Sanskrit word for caste is _____ which means colour. (Godavari, varna, Ganga, None of the above)
    The caste stratification of Indian society had its origin in the _____ system. (chaturvarna)
  7. _____ and _____ have been the bases of varna vyavastha. (Urbanization, Development, Education, purity, and pollution)
    Gender study is carried out in relation to _____. (sex-ratio, child Birth – ratio, None of the above)
  8. _____ is defined as the number of females per thousand males. (sex-ratio)

Chapter- 2 Gender Disparity

  1. The 2011 census report states that there are _____ females per 1000 males. (914, 200, 152, 144)
  2. In the patriarchal society _____ has a privileged position. (children, Man, women, none of the above)
  3. Techniques such as _____ were introduced to identify any genetic abnormalities. (Amniocentesis)
  4. According to NCRB, approximately _____ dowry deaths take place in India. (2000, 6000, 4000, 10000)
  5. _____ dictate the greater worth of males as both producers and heirs in India. (Religion, Vulgarity, Cultural patterns, none of the above)
  6. With the advancement of science and technology _____ has been largely replaced by female foeticide. (Female infanticide, male, Cultural patterns, none of the above)
  7. Section _____ of IPC protects women from domestic violence. (498 – A, 300 – A, 48 – A, none of the above)
  8. The low and _____ of women is the direct result of poverty. (Undignified status) 
  9. The Domestic Violence Act was passed in the year _____. (2005, 2000, 2001, 2004)
  10. Obscenity, _____, or indecency are the terms associated with the depiction of women in media.
  11. (Cultural patterns, Vulgarity, Religion, none of the above)
  12. In India, the state of _____ has the lowest gender ratio. (Rajasthan, Tamil, Gujarat, none of the above)
  13. The major cause of the declining sex ratio is _____. (Poverty)

Chapter- 2 Gender Disparity

  1. Disability covers impairments, activity limitations, and _____ restrictions. (Participation, Restrictions, all of the above,  None of the above)
  2. _____ is an impairment of one of the senses. (Sensory disability, Mental disability, None of the above)
  3. The word ‘_____’ is used instead of the word handicap. (Challenged, participation, all of the above, None of the above)
  4. _____ is a serious kind of limitation in locomotion or motor functions. (Sensory disability, Challenged, Orthopaedic Impairment, None of the above)
  5. Blindness is defined as the state of being _____. (Challenged, Sightless, Both, None of the above)
  6. The most common infectious cause of blindness in developed nations is _____. (Herpes simplex, Hypermetropia, Onomatopeia, None of the above)
  7. _____ hearing loss occurs when the auditing nerve which goes from the inner ear to the brain fails to carry the sound information to the brain. (Neural)
  8. _____ is also the cause of deafness. (Speech therapy, Orthopaedic, Impairment, Meningitis, None of the above)
  9. Sign language and _____ can help people with hearing impairments. (Speech therapy, Sightless, Herpes simplex, None of the above)
  10. People with an IQ between _____ suffer from moderate mental retardation. (25 – 30, 45 – 50, 35 – 49, 10 – 20)
  11. _____ is any disability that results in problems with growth and development. (Sensory disability, Mental disability, Developmental Disability, None of the above)
  12. _____ is the defect in the spinal cord. (Myopia, Spina Bifida, Hypermetropia, None of the above)
  13. _____ can be used for rehabilitation for people with orthopedic defects. (Muscular Dystrophy, Meningitis, Physiotherapy )
  14. _____ develops when the muscle fibers in the body gradually weaken. (Muscular Dystrophy, Hypermetropia, Onomatopeia, None of the above)
  15. In _____ there is farsightedness but not short-sightedness. (Hypermetropia, Myopia Onomatopeia, None of the above)

Chapter- 2 Gender Disparity-II

  1. Every caste or sub-caste insists that its members should _____ within the group. (Marry, unmarry, inter-marriage, none of the above)
  2. Each caste or a group of allied castes was traditionally associated with a particular _____. (Pressure, Occupation, Competition, none of the above)
  3. 55 percent of SC population are still deprived of _____ regarded as the basic and essential component of human development. (Education, Pressure, Occupation, none of the above)
  4. According to the census definition, a worker is categorized as ‘_____’ if she/he has worked for 6 months or more. (Main worker, Education, Pressure, none of the above)
  5. Inter-caste conflicts arise when higher castes _____ the lower castes. (Pressure, Exploit all of the above none of the above)
  6. With the passing of political power to the people, castes have become _____ groups. (Pressure, Economic Opportunities, Main worker, none of the above)
  7. A caste is ‘dominant’ when it wields _____ and political power. (Economic, Agricultural labour, Economic Opportunities,  none of the above)
  8. The _____ of the upper castes has always been to consolidate and maintain their high social status. (Attitude, humble,  all of the above )
  9. The MCC collects a levy called _____ tax from contractors and big landlords to meet its day-to-day expenses. (Rangdari, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, none of the above)
  10. The best examples of these caste conflicts due to exploitation, economic grievances, and deprivation are found in _____. (Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, all of the above)
  11. Anti–Hindi agitations took place in _____ India. (Northern, Western, Southern, none of the above)
  12. Communalism in the Indian context is _____ between any two religious groups. (Tensions, Pressure, all of the above, None of the above)
  13. The etymology of communalism is ‘_____’ – to come together. (Commune, Conflicts, issue, None of the above)
  14. Communalism basically concerns itself with the matters of the “_____” and “_____” rather than with the “hereafter”. (there, now/  here, now/ all of the above /None of the above )
  15. Communal violence can seldom take place without the prior spread of _____. (Communal ideology, Commune, history, None of the above)
  16. A wrong notion of periodization of _____ too is responsible as the cause of communal violence. (Communal ideology, history, Communalism, None of the above)

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Reference: Manan Prakashan, Smart Notes


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