SYBCOM Business Law Semester 4 important Questions Mumbai University

SYBCOM Business Law Semester 4 important Questions Mumbai University

SYBCOM Business Law Semester 4 important Questions Mumbai University

SYBCOM Business Law Semester 4

Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

  1. What is a Company? Explain its Characteristics.
  2. Explain in brief the various kinds of Companies.
  3. What is Memorandum of Association? Write its Clauses.
  4. Give the meaning of the Prospectus. Explain various kinds of Prospectus.
  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporation.
  6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Private Company’ and ‘Public Company’.
  7. Who is called a Promoter of a company? Discuss the role, rights, and duties of a Promoter.
  8. Explain the concept of Registration / Incorporation of a Company. Discuss the procedure for Registration of the Company.
  9. Write a note on ‘Doctrine of Indoor Management’. State the exceptions to the rule.
  10. Explain the concept of ‘Private Placement’ in detail.

Q.2 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

  1. Who can become a Member of a Company? Explain various modes of Acquiring Membership.
  2. Who is a Director of a Company? Explain the Disqualifications of a Director of a Company.
  3. Explain briefly the provisions for conducting the Annual General Meeting of a Company.
  4. Write a note on– (i) Extraordinary General Meeting. (ii)Meeting by the Tribunal.
  5. Who can become a ‘Member’ of a company? Write a note on ‘Termination of Membership’.
  6. Explain the concept of ‘Director Identification Number’. Write a note on the Appointment of Directors.
  7. Discuss the Rights and Liabilities of Members of a company as per the Companies Act.
  8. Write a note on–i) Board of Directors Meeting ii) Annual General Meeting
  9. Who can become a member in a company? Write a note on ‘Register of Members’.
  10. Discuss the various types of Directors.

Q.3 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

  1. Explain various Rights of a Partner as per Indian Partnership Act 1932.
  2. Discuss various modes of Dissolution of Partnership firms.
  3. What is Limited Liability Partnership? Explain its characteristics.
  4. Write a note on-(i) Conversion of LLP (ii) Winding up of LLP
  5. Explain the Concept of Partnership. Discuss in detail the Rights and Duties of a Partner.
  6. Write a note on the Dissolution of the Partnership.
  7. Distinguish between Limited Liability Partnership and Partnership.
  8. Discuss the concept of ‘Partnership’. Explain the various features of a partnership as per Indian Partnership Act 1932.
  9. Explain the meaning of the Dissolution of a partnership firm. Write the consequences of the dissolution of a partnership firm.
  10. Explain the procedure for incorporation of a ‘Limited Liability Partnership’.

Q.4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

  1. Explain the term, ‘Unfair Trade Practices’ with suitable examples.
  2. Explain in brief the Composition and Jurisdiction of the State Commission under the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
  3. Discuss the Highlights of the Competition Act 2002.
  4. Explain the meaning of the following terms as per Consumer Protection Law i) Consumer ii) Defects and Deficiency
  5. Write a detailed note on the ‘Three Tier Machinery’ for Consumer Redressal
  6. Explain the concept of ‘Abuse of Dominant Position’ as per Competition Act 2002.
  7. Discuss the Composition of the Competition Commission of India. Write the qualifications and disqualifications of the chairperson of the Competition Commission of India.
  8. Give the meaning of the following terms: 1) Consumer 2) Defect 3) Complaint 4) Consumer Dispute
  9. Who is an aggrieved consumer? Discuss the Jurisdiction and procedure of the District Forum in the Settlement of Consumer Disputes.
  10. Write a note on ‘Anti-Competitive Agreements’.

Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

  1. Write a note on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’.
  2. What is Patent? Explain the remedies against the Infringement of Patents.
  3. Explain the meaning of Copyright. Who is an Author under the Copyright Act? Which are the clauses of work covered by the Indian Copyright Act?
  4. What is Trade Mark? Explain the Characteristics and Functions of Trade Mark.
  5. Explain the Concept of ‘Patent’. Write a note on the ‘grant of patent.’
  6. Write a note on protecting the ‘Copyrights’ of a person as per IPR laws. What do you understand by ‘Fair Use’?
  7. Discuss the concept of ‘Trade marks’ and ‘Passing off.’ Discuss various functions of Trade Marks.
  8. What is Patentable and what is not Patentable in India? Discuss the requisites for the Grant of Patent in India.
  9. Discuss the provisions relating to Fair use and Infringements of Copyrights in India.
  10. Write the procedure for registration of Trade Marks in India. Write notes on various types of Trademarks.

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