FYBCOM EVS Sem 2 MCQ Questions with Answers: Mumbai University 2021

FYBCOM EVS Sem 2 MCQ Questions with Answers 

Plastics make up almost_____________percent of the municipal solid waste

  1. 20%
  2. 40%
  3. 13%
  4. 25%

“The largest amount of plastics is found in find out the wrong option.

  1. Containers and packaging
  2. Manufacturing industries, households, hotels, and hospitals
  3. As durables
  4. As nondurables

Which is not the waste material that comes under the category of containers and packaging?

  1. Soft drink bottles
  2. Lids
  3. Shampoo bottles
  4. Trash bags

Which waste material comes under the category of durables?

  1. Appliances and Furniture
  2. Wine and beer glass bottles
  3. Soft drink and mineral water bottles
  4. Medical devices

Which is not the waste material that comes under the category of non-durables?

  1. Diapers and trash bags
  2. Cups and utensils
  3. Plastic, thermocol, and polyethylene carry bags
  4. Medical devices.

Which waste has a relatively short life?

  1. Biomedical waste
  2. Packaging waste
  3. Agricultural waste
  4. Nuclear waste

What are the different methods used to manage packaging waste? Choose an incorrect answer.

  1. Reuse and Recycling
  2.  Feedstock and Composting
  3. Treatment and Landfill.
  4. Incineration and Burning

Packaging may contain some critical substances which may pose a risk to the environment. Which are those critical substances?

  1. PVC(Polyvinyl carbon and heavy metals)
  2. Wood packaging, nails, and metal strips
  3. Metals, plastic solvents, asbestos
  4. Cardboards and papers

Which waste is recognized as hazardous waste? Find out the wrong answer.

  1. Toxic, explosive, oxidizing, and corrosive
  2. Flammable, teratogenic, and mutagenic
  3. Wood packaging, nails, and metal strips
  4. Carcinogenic, eco-toxic, and infectious

“Hazardous waste arises from a wide range of different sources including figure out wrong option

  1. Household activities
  2. Commercial activities
  3. Industrial activities
  4. Agricultural activities

The main disposal route for hazardous waste is to choose the wrong answer.

  1. Landfilling, incineration, and physical or chemical treatment.
  2. Manuring and composting
  3. Incineration and burning
  4. Physical or chemical treatment.

On the recovery side, a significant proportion of hazardous waste is_________.

  1. Recycled or burned as a fuel
  2. Valuable metals recovered
  3. Only durable plastic items collected and recycled
  4. Only heavy metals recovered and reused

Hazardous waste can present a potential risk to___________.

  1. Air and water components
  2. Soil and workers in that field
  3. Human health and the environment
  4. Only those who handle hazards waste

Hazardous waste is typically the subject of____________.

  1. those related to that particular industry
  2. Special arrangement
  3. Special management
  4. Special legislation

Some of the largest waste generating industrial sectors in Western and Central Europe include the production of strike out the wrong answer

  1. Basic metals, food, beverage, and tobacco products
  2. Wine, beer, beef, pork, and leather
  3. wood, and wood products
  4. paper and paper products

Wastage arises from activities such as the construction of buildings and civil infrastructure, and maintenance is known as____________.

  1. Construction and demolition waste
  2. Municipal non-degradable waste
  3. Municipal hazards waste
  4. Agricultural and Industrial waste

In some countries, even materials from land leveling are regarded as__________.

  1. Mining waste
  2. Quarrying waste
  3. Hazards waste
  4. Construction and demolition waste

Concrete, bricks, wood, glass, metals, plastic solvents, asbestos, and excavated soil are the wastage of_________.

  1. Municipal non-degradable waste
  2. Agricultural and Industrial waste
  3. Construction and demolition waste
  4. Quarrying and mining waste

Mining waste arises from Mention incorrect answer

  1. Prospecting
  2. Filteration
  3. Extraction
  4. Treatment

Mining waste is made up of the Mention wrong answer.

  1. Construction and demolition waste
  2. Topsoil and overburden.
  3. Waste rock
  4. Waste from the processing of the ore body (tailings)

Process water, process chemicals, and portions of the remaining materials are also a waste of___________.

  1. Chemical Industry
  2. Pharmaceutical industries
  3. Construction and demolition waste
  4. Mining waste

The major concerns in relation to mining waste are_____________.

  1. Closed mining is better than open mining
  2. It is very useful and safe for the industrial and urban development
  3. large volumes and potential for hazardous substances
  4. It is useful for agriculture, forest, animals including human beings

Large areas of land are required for depositing of which type of waste, that causes environmental pollution.

  1. Agricultural waste and animal waste
  2. Mining and quarrying waste
  3. Thermal power plant waste
  4. Sugar mill waste

WEEE stands for________________.

  1. Waste for electrical and electronic equipment
  2. Waste for electron and electric equipment
  3. Waste for engine and electricity equipment
  4. Waste for ethanol and ethylene electron

E-waste includes_____________.

  1. Nuclear waste
  2. Electron waste
  3. Radiation waste
  4. Electrical and electronic equipment

Surgically removed body parts waste is also known as______________.

  1. Pathological waste
  2. Clinical waste
  3. Biomedical waste
  4. Anatomical waste

Which is highly toxic biomedical waste?

  1. Anatomical waste
  2. Pathological waste
  3. Mercury spilled out from broken thermometer
  4. Clinical waste

Stalks, dried grass, dried and wet leaves, husk, etc. waste belongs to________

  1. Food industrial waste
  2. Agricultural waste
  3. Garbage and trash waste
  4. Recyclable waste

Farm manure or compost is made from waste like_______________.

  1. Stalks, dried grass, dried and wet leaves, husk, etc.
  2. Recyclable waste
  3. Agricultural waste
  4. Garbage and trash waste

The waste which is used as fodder for domestic animals is___________.

  1. Agricultural waste
  2. Garbage and trash waste
  3. Recyclable waste
  4. Stalks, dried grass, dried and wet leaves, husk, etc.

Which residues present in the soil in small quantities, which is usually not visible but they form the most harmful agricultural waste?

  1. Pollen grains and insects
  2. Stalks, dried grass, dried and wet leaves, husk, etc.
  3. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
  4. Mercury spilled out from broken thermometer

Animal dung, excreta of other animals, and the bodies of dead animals. This type of waste belongs to________.

  1. Agricultural waste
  2. Animal waste
  3. Biomedical waste
  4. Organic and recyclable waste

Utmost care should be taken for the disposal of which type of waste?

  1. Nuclear waste
  2. Radioactive minerals and metals
  3. Testing nuclear weapons
  4. Biomedical waste

Which type of wastage caused irreparable damage to marine life?

  1. Biomedical waste
  2. Mercury spilled out from broken thermometer
  3. Toxic metals
  4. Nuclear waste

Heavy metal residues, found around mines and quarries contain toxic metals like________.

  1. Mercury and ferrous etc.
  2. Carbon generated from coal mines etc.
  3. Lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc.
  4. Dust particles and pollen grains etc.

Fine particles of carbon generated from coal mines, heavy metal particles, and radiation from coal mines mix with dust cause the________strike out the wrong answer

  1. Surrounding air and soil pollution
  2. Purifies the surrounding air, soil, surface and underground water, the water in the streams, ponds, and aquifers
  3. The water in the streams, ponds, and aquifers pollution
  4. Surface and underground water pollution

The pollution caused by the spill oil from oil rigs in the sea along with metals and chemicals, causes________.

  1. Vast damage to marine life.
  2. Vast damage to the algae and sponge life.
  3. Vast damage to the fish and other animal life.
  4. Vast damage to the coral reef ecosystem.

Municipal waste does not include___________.

  1. Household and commercial waste
  2. Sources whose activities are similar to those of households and commercial enterprises
  3. Mining, industrial or construction, and demolition processes
  4. The garbage generated mainly from residential and commercial complexes

The amount of municipal solid waste has been increasing rapidly and its composition changing due to______________find out the wrong option.

  1. With rising urbanization
  2. Change in lifestyle and food habits
  3. The mass production of non-recyclable stuff and the problem of waste management
  4. The carelessness of the people, government, and municipal corporations

What are other alternatives to waste management other than land filling? Choose an incorrect answer.

  1. Composting
  2. Just dumping this waste in the ocean
  3. incineration (increasingly with the recovery of energy)
  4. recycling of glass, paper, metal, plastics, and other material s.

There are numerous potential impacts associated with the landfilling of waste including choose the incorrect answer

  1.  Production of leachate
  2. Landfill gas, odours, flies, vermin
  3. Contamination of soil and groundwater
  4. Land becomes flat, equal and fertile due to land filling

What is the full form of BMW?

  1. Biodegradable Municipal Waste
  2. Bayerische Motoren Werke
  3. Bavarian Motor Works
  4. Botanical Manure Waste

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