fybcom foundation course sem 1 important questions
If you are studying from IDOL University of Mumbai and searching FYBCOM Foundation Course sem 1 important questions for 2024 IDOL examination check below we have provided IDOL Foundation course 1 previous year questions with two practice paper and objective with answers.
What steps should be taken to prevent violence against women in India |
15 Marks |
Features of Indian Constitution |
15 Marks |
Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens |
15 Marks |
Various Socio-economics and cultural problems in the effective participation of women in Indian politics |
15 Marks |
Types of physically challenges |
15 Marks |
Causes of dealing gender ratio in India |
15 Marks |
Measures to resolve Linguistic conflict in Indian |
15 Marks |
Causes of regional conflicts in India |
15 Marks |
Write a detailed note on the significance of Panchayati Raj. |
15 Marks |
Reason for gender disparity and violence against women in India |
15 Marks |
Write short notes on any three of the following: 15
- Any two aspects of diversity in the Indian Culture
- Communal Harmony
- Role of women in Politics
- Major features of the 74th amendment
- Characteristic of Urban population
- Characteristic of tribal societies in India
- Women in Politics
- Way to achieve communal harmony
- Multi-cultural society
- India’s Literacy Rates
F.Y.B.Com. (Sem-I)Foundation Course – I
Previous year IDOL Foundation Course 1 questions paper
Foundation Course Notes Click Here